Can We Wear Diamond Wedding Ring All the Time?

Many people ask: Should we wear diamond wedding bands every day? One must know when to remove the diamond wedding ring to keep it unspoiled and secure for the future.

Both you and your partner will be wearing the diamond wedding rings for a lifetime. Therefore, it is vital to know when it is the right time to take off the wedding jewelry and keep them safe.

Should We Keep It on All the Time?

The short answer to this question is no. Your hands are likely to touch many things and surfaces daily, potentially damaging the bridal wedding bands. Since it is safe to wear them for a majority of activities, remove them while you know you will be performing tough tasks using your hands or if you could possibly expose them to harsh substances.

Should We Wear Them When Taking a Shower?

Bathing soaps, as well as hair and skincare products, can result in a foamy build-up on your jewel. Wearing the bridal wedding rings once or twice won’t lead to any damage, but you must bear in mind that long-term exposure can result in severe damage. So, avoid taking a shower while wearing your diamond wedding rings or diamond anniversary rings.

Can We Workout While Wearing the Rings?

It is not recommended to put on wedding rings when working out in the gym. The major threat, in this case, is dirt and filth, and the major attraction for dirt is grease. Unless you clean the diamond wedding rings or diamond anniversary bands daily, dirt and oil collection in each corner and crevice. Ultimately, the pressure can build enough to split the gem or pop it right out.

You need to clean your wedding ring at least once a month. If you perform activities that result in heavy sweating, you need to be cleaning the ring one time every week.

Can We Wear the Rings While Swimming?

You have the option of resizing if your ring feels too tight to remove. While swimming with your wedding ring on, there are many things that can happen. Even inside a pool with warm water, your fingers will contract after persistent exposure to water. This may be sufficient to let the diamond wedding bands slip off. Moreover, the chemicals inside the pool, for example, chlorine, can harm every part of your ring.


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